The beauty of Love
Hace unos días mis compañeros Misael, José Luis, Esteban y yo tuvimos el placer de presentar un programa con una selección de canciones tanto italianas como latinoamericanas. Aunque hacía bastante frío afuera, mucha gente todavía se presentó para disfrutar de la música y, afortunadamente, todo transcurrió sin problemas durante todo el evento.
Un nuevo año trae nuevos comienzos y oportunidades. Con el comienzo de este año, hay nuevos proyectos interesantes en el horizonte y nuevas metas que perseguir. ¡Feliz año nuevo! A new year brings new beginnings and opportunities. With the start of this year, there are exciting new projects on the horizon and fresh goals to pursue. Happy new year!
Chistmas at the Cathedral - Tucson Arizona Boys Chorus, 2024
Last night, the concert series had the pleasure of welcoming the Tucson Arizona Boys Chorus for a wonderful Christmas concert. The ensemble, led by Dr. Julian Ackerley, is preparing for his retirement at the end of this current season, a milestone after more than four decades of dedicated leadership to this talented group.
Christmas Concert - Apache Junction
This week, we continued with our Christmas concert tour. The latest performance took place at St. George Catholic Parish, which is located in Apache Junction. Remarkably, more than 1,000 people gathered to enjoy the concert and celebrate the holiday spirit.
A Christmas Concert in Yuma, AZ
It was time for a Christmas concert in Yuma, Arizona. The performance took place at the welcoming St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Parish. Coincidentally, it was also the birthday of Fr. Emilio Chapa, the esteemed Pastor of the parish, whom I have had the pleasure of knowing since we worked together at St. Augustine Cathedral in Tucson. In a heartwarming moment, everybody gathered together to sing a cheerful "Happy Birthday" in honor of Fr. Emilio.
Visita al padre Constantino
De niño tuve la oportunidad de asistir musicalmente en algunas misas que él, José Constantino Narváez Emundts, C.Ss.R. (1932) celebró en el Templo de Nuestra Señora de Fátima, en Ciudad Obregón. Aparte de sus homilías, me acuerdo de su bella voz baritonal, especialmente al entonar la versión en español del Magnificat de Gelineau.
Nuevamente en México
La semana pasada tuve que viajar a la Ciudad de México para cumplir con un par de compromisos laborales, los cuales incluían participar en una muy interesante sesión de grabación (con más noticias sobre esto más adelante). Estaba bastante cansado después de una larga jornada y solo me acuerdo de que me subí al avión, cerré los ojos y desperté casi 3 horas después, cuando estábamos a punto de aterrizar en el Aeropuerto Internacional de la CDMX.
A warm afternoon…
Misael, José Luis, and I were invited by Tohono Chul and the TGS to take part in their concert series on October 27. During the event, we shared a selection of beautifully arranged Italian songs alongside several traditional Latin American pieces, which resonated well with the audience. Misael delivered a stunning rendition of "El Camino Forjado," and his performance was simply wonderful to behold.
El templo de San Francisco de Asís, en el Centro Histórico de la CDMX
What an experience to visit this beautiful chapel in Mexico City’s Historic Downtown, which was decorated for el Día de los Muertos.
Bella experiencia al visitar la capilla Balvanera, la cual estaba decorada por las celebraciones del Día de los Muertos.
Italian and Latin American Songs at ASA
A few days ago, I had the distinct pleasure of collaborating with the talented Misael Barraza Díaz and the skilled José Luis Puerta in a captivating performance featuring a selection of Italian and Latin American songs at the Arizona Senior Academy.
A vibrant Mariachi Extravaganza
Yesterday, we had the exciting opening of the concert series, featuring a vibrant Mariachi Extravaganza held at the beautiful St. Augustine Cathedral’s Msgr. Carrillo Placita (no rain this year!)
Remembering Kelvin, the dog
Hoy tuve la fortuna de rescatar a Kelvin, un perro travieso que se escapó de su casa. El pobre perrito estaba asustado, pero lo llevé a casa y ahi se divirtió con sus nuevas amistades. En camino a la veterinaria me encontré a una señora que buscaba a Kelvin. Decir adios es triste, pero estoy contento de que el perrito y su mamá estén juntos nuevamente.
Tu Es Sacerdos
Recently, I had the privilege of conversing with Cardinal Alberto Suárez Inda, Archbishop Emeritus of Morelia. The meeting also included Fr. Jesús Alcázar Fuentes, beloved pastor at the Parish of the Holy Trinity, a friend and paisano. During this audience, I presented a copy of the score of Tu Es Sacerdos to the cardinal, a composition I crafted for the celebration of Cardinal Suárez Inda's 50th anniversary of priestly ordination.
Sounds from the Spires, NYC
Recently, I traveled to New York City to participate in a radio interview on SiriusXM. The program is called “Sounds from the Spires,” and it is hosted by Jennifer Pascual, who serves as the Director of Music at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in NYC. She was such a gracious and welcoming host.
Real italian pizza in Napoli
I had the fantastic opportunity to enjoy a meal at Pizzeria Pizza Napoletana, located on Calata Capodichino, in the city of Naples. The pizza was truly exceptional, and the dessert was simply delicious.
Sono arrivato in Italia
After a short trip, the plane smoothly landed in the city of Naples, Italy. A few minor bumps during the flight, nothing too concerning luckily. My immediate plan now involves checking into the hotel, seeking out a quick meal, and ensuring I get a good night's rest.
Food and Ice Cream in Bisbee
After a meeting at St. Patrick's, I enjoyed a great burger at Bisbee's Table and then had delicious gelato at PussyCat Gelato on Main St. Feeling content from the treats, I headed back to Tucson.
Addio, Italia
So, now I can share exciting news: a new music video will be released soon. I believe you will thoroughly enjoy it. The setting is absolutely fabulous, with an exceptional film director and marvelous actors bringing the vision to life. There is more to come in the near future.
My music setting of Tu Es Sacerdos being performed around the world
Tu Es Sacerdos - My musical setting being performed around the world