Ave María - New York City
Yesterday, I had the privilege of attending a beautiful liturgy with beautful music at the famous Church of the Blessed Sacrament in the lively Upper West Side neighborhood of New York City. The event was organized by Pueri Cantores USA, a group that provides a platform for young singers to showcase their talent. They performed my version of Ave María, for treble voices, and it was truly angelic. The music portion was led by Bryan Zaros, a talented maestro from the Cathedral of Saint John the Divine. Overall, it was an incredible musical experience that touched my heart and reminded me of the incredible power of music to inspire and connect people.
After the performance, several young children came up to me happily and asked if I could kindly sign their own copies of my setting of the Ave María. So, I was busy autographing octavos!
Ayer tuve el privilegio de asistir a una hermosa liturgia con hermosa música en la famosa Iglesia del Santísimo Sacramento en el Upper West Side de la ciudad de Nueva York. El evento fue organizado por Pueri Cantores USA, un grupo que brinda una plataforma para que jóvenes cantantes muestren su talento. Interpretaron mi versión del Ave María, para voces agudas, y fue realmente angelical. La parte musical estuvo a cargo de Bryan Zaros, un talentoso maestro de la Catedral de San Juan el Divino. En general, fue una experiencia musical increíble que tocó mi corazón y me recordó el increíble poder de la música para inspirar y conectar a las personas.
Al finalizar la liturgia, varios niños pequeños se acercaron felices a mí y me pidieron que accediera a firmar sus propias copias de mi composición del Ave María. ¡Así que estuve ocupado autografiando octavos!
Bryan Zaros, Conductor - Associate Director of Music and Choirmaster, Cathedral of St. John the Divine, New York, NY
Jason Roberts, Organist - Director of Music, Church of the Blessed Sacrament, New York, NY
Holy Name of Mary School Choir. Valley Stream, NY. Eileen McEnaney, Director.
Our Lady of Assumption Church Children’s Choir. Bronx, NY. Laura Green, Director.
Our Mother of Consolation Parish Choir. Philadelphia, PA. Elise Malizia, Director.
Polonia. Brooklyn, NY. Anna Gosk, Director.
Saint Patrick Boys and Girls Choir. Chatham, NJ. Maggie Hanson, Director.
Saint Vincent Martyr Choristers. Madison, NJ. Lauren Johnson, Director.
School of the Blessed Sacrament Senior Choir. New York, NY. Laurie Gamache, Director.
School of Saint Elizabeth Liturgical Choir. Bernardsville, NJ. William Alford, Director.