Ave María at St. Mary’s Basilica in Phoenix
Durante el Festival Coral y Misa de Niños de Pueri Cantores Phoenix de 2023, el 4 de febrero, varios coros de niños de la Diócesis de Phoenix se reunieron en la Basílica de Santa María en Phoenix para ensayar y cantar. La Misa fue celebrada por el Sr. Obispo Thomas Olmsted, emérito de Phoenix. Tuve el honor de componer una pieza musical titulada "Ave María", por encargo de la Federación Americana Pueri Cantores, y fue interpretada en la Misa. Los coros estuvieron bellamente dirigidos por el Dr. Alfred Calabrese. Esta noche fue encantadora y memorable.
During the 2023 Pueri Cantores Phoenix Children's Choral Festival & Mass, on February 4, several children choirs from the Diocese of Phoenix came together at St Mary's Basilica in Phoenix to rehearse and sing. The Mass was celebrated by Most Rev. Thomas Olmsted, emeritus of Phoenix. I had the honor of composing a piece of music titled "Ave María", commissioned by the American Federation Pueri Cantores, and it was performed at Mass. The choirs were beautifully directed by Dr. Alfred Calabrese. This evening was enchanting and memorable.
The Most Reverend Thomas J. Olmsted, Celebrant - Bishop Emeritus, Diocese of Phoenix
Dr. Alfred Calabrese, Conductor - Director of Music, St. Rita Catholic Church, Dallas, TX
Gordon Stevenson, Director of Music, St. Mary’s Basilica, Phoenix, AZ
Annunciation Catholic School Choir. Cave Creek, AZ. Mark Mackeben, Director.
Saint Bernard of Clairvaux Choristers. Scottsdale, AZ. Kent Campbell, Director.
Saint John Bosco Choir. Phoenix, AZ. Dr. Luis Rodríguez and Phillip Arkfeld, Directors.
Saint Thomas the Apostle School Church. Phoenix, AZ. Greg Hebert, Director.
Saint Vincent de Paul Choir. Phoenix, AZ. Madai Licor, Director.
Scholas Potens, Pacis, and Purissima of Saint Mary Magdalene. Gilbert, AZ. Claire Halbur, Director.